Genius Teenager Creates Doc Ock Arms With A 3D Printer

Genius Teenager Creates Doc Ock Arms With A 3D Printer

19-year-old Erik Finman, a Bitcoin millionaire, took some free time to make a functional Dr. Octopus suit. Besides looking so cool, it also works as a prosthetic prototype. So lets break this down a little bit… What was I doing when I was 19 years old?...
Hand Digging A Swimming Pool Around A Bamboo House

Hand Digging A Swimming Pool Around A Bamboo House

Hand digging a pool just sounds like a lot of hard work and these dudes prove that to be correct. So here are two guys who basically just want to get a little relief from the hot ass sun in whatever country they are from. Armed with 2 sticks that have a blade on the...
Smoked Brisket on Pellet Grill

Smoked Brisket on Pellet Grill

Within the BBQ community, people are fiercely loyal to their way of cooking. If you love stick burning grills, you probably don’t like pellet. And vise versa is also true. BBQ professionals cook with their specific rubs at their specific temperatures and have...
Ranking The Best Cheese In The World

Ranking The Best Cheese In The World

Ranking the best cheese is the world is like ranking best booze. For the most part, it is all very tasty and we want to consume every bit of it. Sure there might be a few that we like over the others, but doesn’t change the fact that cheese is delicious and it...

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