Ranking The Best Cheese In The World

Ranking The Best Cheese In The World

Ranking the best cheese is the world is like ranking best booze. For the most part, it is all very tasty and we want to consume every bit of it. Sure there might be a few that we like over the others, but doesn’t change the fact that cheese is delicious and it...
Movie Title Poop References

Movie Title Poop References

Let’s lighten things up a bit and do a funny list of movie title poop references. To further explain, let’s take a popular movie and replace a word (or multiple) words in it with a word signifying taking a dump. No scholars will enjoy this and we will not...
The Best Car To Take To Taco Bell

The Best Car To Take To Taco Bell

Listen, we know there are a lot of pressing things in this world that need to be addressed. Will the younger generations ever get on the same page as the baby boomers and those with the wealth. Will politics ever not be driven by greed and power? At what point will...
Cereal Power Rankings 2020

Cereal Power Rankings 2020

Cereal is the breakfast of champions, the morning chow with addition of cow and the early beast’s easy feast. It doesn’t take much to get rolling, no pans or ovens or anything like that, Just get yourself a bowl and some milk and you are ready to go. There...
Top 10 Man Cave Essentials

Top 10 Man Cave Essentials

A man cave is a place that all men dream of. A place to get away, even if your normal life is great. From the beginning of existence, men need space and quiet to perform the rest of the their lives to the highest ability. They need a place to let their mind relax and...
The Goonies…. Are Back and Ranked

The Goonies…. Are Back and Ranked

Well, kind of. The hilarious Josh Gad (Maybe Olaf from Frozen if you don’t know) decided to start this cool idea called reunited apart. And to really jump start this thought he went with one of the most iconic movies from the 80s… The Goonies! NEVER SAY...

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